Our Board of Trustees

What do an alternative practitioner, a logistician and an ophthalmology professor have in common with a lawyer?

A vision.

"Trust and confidence that the seemingly impossible can become a reality. This is exactly what this project is about", says Renate Schönbohm. "Children - humankind's most precious assets - in some situations, need safe ferries to cross the sometimes stormy ocean of life. Bowspirit Kids achieves just that - literally and figuratively. Of that I am certain, and that is the reason I am part of it."

“At first I thought my long-time friend Michael's idea to take care of injured children's souls in the form of a residential trip on board a ferry with trained medical care was a crazy one", admits Ingo Kock honestly. "However, the more I heard about his ideas via phone calls as well as when we met up in person, I recognised the potential, and decided to contribute my part to this project. Through my many years of working with apprentices from all walks of life and all parts of the world, I have learnt that many of them struggle considerably - with more than just day-to-day issues and problems. This is exactly why I believe the key to freeing these souls lies in early intervention!"

Prof. Dr. Salvatore Grisanti sums up: "We want to turn children's tears into tears of joy."