Press Releases

| 27 August 2019

The CSR mission for the transport and tourism industry: Bowspirit Kids

Everyone is talking about Corporate Social Responsibility - or CSR in short - and one might think that social responsibility of businesses is the latest passion of economists.
Yet "the responsibility of companies for their effects on society", as the European Commission defines CSR, is actually a good old merchant tradition that has only been given new attention through appropriate legal requirements.


| 28 March 2019

Bowspirit Kids say "Dankeschön" | "Thanks a lot " | "Merci" | "Tak" | "Kiitos" | "Tack" | "Bedankt" | "Gracias"

Bowspirit Kids would like to thank all participants of this year's Shipbroker's Dinner in Lübeck for their generous support of their project.


| 18 March 2019

Bowspirit Kids nominated for the Mynewsdesk Digital PR Award GSA

The Bowspirit Kids Group has been nominated for the Mynewsdesk Digital PR Award GSA in the category "Best NGO Newsroom". Every year Mynewsdesk honours particularly successful and inspiring PR work with this award in a total of six categories. A selected jury of experts now identifies the winners in the various categories on the basis of a fixed catalogue of qualitative and quantitative criteria.


| 26 February 2019

Penguin with heart needs entrepreneurs with heart

Bowspirit Kids want to help sick and traumatised children and teenagers deal with the foul that life has played to them. To do this, they want to buy an older passenger ferry and convert it into a "floating playroom".


| 16 January 2019

Why I went "all in" for Bowspirit Kids

In an interview with Heinrich Wilhelm Driver, Michael Speckenbach (49), a lawyer from Lübeck (Germany), explains why he founded Bowspirit Kids, why he used everything he had for this purpose, and why this project will not only change the lives of potential little guests in the short run.


| 16 November 2018

World record attempt of the Bowspirit Kids - "The world's largest floating pinboard"

With a world record attempt the Bowspirit Kids start the crowdfundraising phase for their floating holiday and recreation camp for sick and traumatised children.


| 05 November 2018

Bowspirit Kids - Turning children's tears into tears of joy

Wouldn't it be great if there was a place where sick and traumatised children could go to relax and unwind? Where the seriousness of the disease and the worries of family and friends could be forgotten for a time?
A place where it doesn't matter where you come from, but who you are.


| 05 November 2018

Bowspirit - What is the meaning behind the name?

We are convinced that our young guests are something very special - precisely because of the curve ball that life supposedly threw at them.


| 05 November 2018

Our Mascot - Bowie

We thought Bowie would be the perfect mascot. Bowie is an emperor penguin: black tailcoat and distinctive "egg yolk" trim on his chest.
